Friday, August 21, 2009


At dinner tonight, Jaden turned to his dad and said, "Dad, I am a boy and mommy is a girl." After some praising from Judd and I on this new knowledge, I asked Jaden what daddy was. He got a very puzzled look on his face and stammered a few 'Daddy is a . . . Daddy is a . . , I don't know what is he?' On days like today after nights like last night my first thought is, Good question. But instead of verbalizing this, I simply stated, "Daddy is a boy just like you." Thanks Jaden!

1 comment:

  1. LOL...I love hearing your stories Jack! Always a good laugh...oh the adventures I have to look forward to one day! You're an AWESOME mom..never forget it! You're doing a great job..and setting an awesome example for us yet-to-be moms (aka u are gonna be on my speed dial when that happens). Love u! xxxx em
